Please note that Jennifer Harrison is not a doctor of any sort, that all references to healing are anecdotal, no claims are made to diagnose, treat or cure diseases or anything of the like. Anything suggested to try on this blog is merely suggested for entertainment and educational and inspirational purposes. If you chose to undertake a project, diet regime, home alteration or any other suggestion found on these pages, you will be doing so at your own risk and your own responsibility.

In addition, Jennifer Harrison is not a magician and will not and does not promise you money, fame, power, marriage or anything else; she can only guarantee to guide you with feng shui principles to enhance spaces and help them to feel and look better. The rest is icing of the cake!

All of the images on the blog are either mine or are attributed to their original source (or the most original source I can find!). If I have used an image of yours and did not properly attribute it, or want it removed, I am happy to do either. I love promoting great imagery and artists, and I want to be sure everyone is happy!

If you use any images from my blog that are my own, please link back to their source. Also, if you would like to share articles, I ask that you credit me as the writer (or credit the writer as well as the link back to this source in the case of guest posts) and do not make any alterations to the text. In addition, because my approach to feng shui & a feng shui’d lifestyle is unique in many sense, if I inspire you to write on a topic, please credit the ideas appropriately. We all have unique contributions to make in our fields- lets honor all of our accomplishments as our own.

This blog material- and the material in all my courses, videos and the like- are for PERSONAL USE only. You do not have permission to use my material in your articles, or in your profession, without permission. If you do not understand feng shui enough to know what is and what is not my own intellectual property, you should ask.